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Catalogue Management


Only a Site Admin has the ability to create a Catalogue App. 

The Catalogue is a set of Apps that the school has setup to be made available for the users of that school as defaults to provide quick creation. There is nothing stopping a user creating any App themselves for display on their View.

To create an App for display on the Catalogue, select the Catalogue Tab and select the + sign to Add App. Complete Name, Link and Icon (or Image) url together with the Category (refer How to: Add a new App).

To search for an App, click on the search icon and enter a character string included in the Name of the App (refer Searching for an App).

To copy an App back to one’s view, the user can hover over the required App and select the “” that appear. An option to “Add to View” will appear. By selecting this the App will be copied to the users View tab. The focus will remain in the catalogue to allow the user to continue to select further Apps as required.  

The Site Admin will have additional options appear under the “” list. 

  • Edit – to allow the user to Edit the App 
  • Delete - to allow the user to remove the App from the catalogue (this does not affect previously copied Apps on users’ views).

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